Sunday, January 25, 2009

Download and Save - Local Cooling

cuy, mw share nih ama tmen2 yg hobinya OL mulu. download program ini, LOCAL COOLING ya..
gunanya sii utk menghemat energi lebih bnyak. khan skarang ud bnyak yg pake laptop or HP utk OL, otomatis energi yg dikeluarin lebih dikit dunk..

naahhh.. bagi yg make kompi donlot aja program ini yg dirancang buat menghemat energi komputer/laptop. menghemat energi artinya membantu ngurangin global warming khan?!?

utk info lebih lanjut baca

bingung tempat donlotnya dmana?!?
klik aja

source : Fashion@indonesiaonlineshop.multiply

Friday, January 23, 2009

Donlot Panduan Ujian..

uda lama dapet ni soal tapi ga perna dbaca.
lagian aq lupa juga dapetnya darimana.
jadi mohon maap deh klu ga lengkap plajarannya..

Klik dsini

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bikin 미역국 Miyeok Guk (sup rumput laut) yukk..!!

Miyeok Guk (sup rumput laut)
bahan :
rumput laut kering (rendam air dingin 15 menit lalu potong potong)
daging sapi (diganti udang atau kerang jg boleh)
bawang putih iris tipis/cincang 2 sdm
Soy sauce/kecap asin /ikan/saus tiram (setengah sdt/ dikit aja)/saus tiram
minyak wijen
merica , garam secukupnya
cara :
1. panaskan wajan , beri minyak wijen, tumis daging
2. tambahkan air, bawang putih,masak sampai daging matang
3. masukkan rumput laut, tambahkan garam , merica, kecap ikan /saus tiram
4. masak sebentar, angkat. sajikan panas-panas.

Chaa.. langsung dimakan deh mumpung masih panas
emm..aroma minyak wijennya berasaaa…bgt

1. sup rumput laut ini bagus buat ibu yg baru menyusui, karena bs melancarkan Asi(kayak sayur katuk kali ya), dan dapat memulihkan stamina sehabis melahirkan
2. Buat yg sedang hamil muda jg bagus, karena dapat menguatkan kandungan
3. Sup rumput laut adalah sup wajib yg biasanya disediakan waktu ulang tahun, karena orang korea percaya kalo makan sup rumput laut dihari ulang tahun katanya bisa panjang umur
4. untuk stamina tubuh

source : koreanpoplovers@blogspot

Saturday, January 17, 2009

tukang COPAS lagu orang..

lama kgak oL tau2nya ada pesen d inbox yg isinya ada orang yg ngecopy lagu suju - u.
namanya Adriel.orang Spanyol. itu juga ketauan ama fansnya suju d sono.aku ngecopy infonya dari blog orang nih..

“There is a music festival called Eurovision Song Contest. This is a contest of sorts where all the European (and even some Asian) countries send their best contestants with brand new songs to represent their respective countries.

It’s a great contest, believe me. I've followed this contest for the past 8 years and what I’m about to say is something that I still can't believe.

In Spain, they had an open internet poll to choose their favorite contestant in the Eurovision Song Contest. More than 455 songs were uploaded to a web page and all the people (not just Spanish people) voted for their favorites. I was voting for all the ones I liked when I found out something so disgusting, so humiliating for all of us ELF.

Click this link and then, press the play button to listen to the song.

Yeah, that’s right. It’s the instrumental version of U with lyrics from another singer. That’s not fair at all! He broke one of the most important rules: to make a full original (lyrics and music) song., the official Spanish fanbase of the Eurovision Song Contest wrote something about this after I reported the plagiarism, this is their response:

"We are disappointed about this news. Adriel's Solo Un Segundo was published around October 2008. He broke our contest rules by using the instrumental version of "U", a hit song from Korean Boyband Super Junior which was published in 2006. In response to our inquiry, Adriel admitted that he used the instrumental version of "U" because of lack of time and that he will now remake the song."

lagi ga ada inspirasi ya mas jiplak2 lagu orang??? di protes ELF sedunia baru tau rasa loe.....!!!!!

mau denger lagunya???KLIK DI SINI!!!!

credits - allkpop + sapphirepearls,, helsic@lj, dongmei. + tricia07ann@multiply

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Taon Baruu..

taon baru saatnya harapan baru..
hidup baru..
kebahagiaan baru..